From the course: Digital Marketing Tools: Create a Marketing Campaign from Start to Finish

What you should know before watching this course

- [Instructor] Before we get started with the course, there are a few things that I think you should know. In regards to course preparation, I feel it's best if you come in with a foundational understanding of marketing, and more specifically, digital marketing. I'll be going over quite a few marketing concepts as we move through our campaign, and may not explain each one in detail. Also, be ready to move in and out of a number of different tools relatively quickly. We dive right into creating a marketing campaign in this course, and I'm not going to be showing the account setup process, and will not be able to cover all of the features of each tool used. I hope that I can help you get started with each tool, and that you can then expand on what you've learned after the course. A couple of other things that you should know. During this course, I'll be using a fictional company called Two Trees Olive Oil for demonstration purposes. At times, however, I'll be accessing tools with other accounts that have real data in them, to best demonstrate certain processes and concepts. Aside from that, be ready to learn and start a new marketing campaign.
