From the course: Digital Marketing Tools: Create a Marketing Campaign from Start to Finish

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Run pay-per-click (PPC) advertising with Google Ads

Run pay-per-click (PPC) advertising with Google Ads

- [Instructor] Okay, we have finished our preparations and it's time to start implementing our marketing campaign. We're going to tip it all off with some PPC advertising in Google Ads. So let's jump right in and get started. Okay, so here I am in Google Ads. I'm logged into an account. I've gone past that opening guide or tutorial that they try and walk you through creating a campaign and I'm just on the main overview screen. And we're going to jump right in and we're going to create a new campaign. So I'm just going to click on the blue New Campaign button. Now before we select our campaign objective, I do want to mention that there is a lot to Google Ads. I'm just going to take you through one use case. We're going to go through pretty quick so we can get this part of our campaign up and running, but I definitely recommend that you take the Google Ads Essential Training course. It's on the same website on this course…
