From the course: Digital Marketing Tools: Create a Marketing Campaign from Start to Finish

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Prepare website landing pages with WordPress

Prepare website landing pages with WordPress

- [Instructor] The final step in preparing our marketing campaign before we actually start publishing our content is to prepare our website. So, first of all what are some considerations that we need to take a look at when we think about our website and our digital marketing campaign? First of all, when we are publishing our content marketing articles we need to make sure we're using the keywords that we found when we did our keyword research in those articles and we'll take a look at an example of that in a minute here, we need to make sure that we have a dedicated landing page for our marketing campaign. Now, you can do this in a few different ways. You can have one page for the entire campaign whether people are coming from social media, PPC, some other source, or you could create a different landing page for each one of those mediums. So everybody who's clicking on a Google ad is going to one landing page,…
