From the course: Digital Marketing Tools: Create a Marketing Campaign from Start to Finish

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Post to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook with Hootsuite

Post to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook with Hootsuite

- [Presenter] It's hard to find a digital marketing campaign these days that doesn't include some aspect of social media marketing. So let's talk about some considerations when using social media for marketing, and then let's go ahead and upload some social posts. So first of all, are you going to be posting organically, or are you going to boost your post? Essentially, are you just going to post so that your current followers see the post, or are you going to pay for it to reach more viewers? I think that this depends on, first of all, how many followers you have if you have not that many followers then you're going to want to go down the boosted post route. It's also dependent on what your budget is. So if you have a very large budget and you say, hey, you know, why not then yeah, go ahead and boost your posts. And then thirdly, what are the goals of your campaign? Are you trying to get new customers? If you're trying to…
