From the course: Digital Marketing Tools: Create a Marketing Campaign from Start to Finish

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Perform email marketing with HubSpot

Perform email marketing with HubSpot

- [Instructor] Email marketing may be one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, but it's still one of the most effective. Let's take a look at how we can do some email marketing as part of our overall marketing campaign. We're going to be using HubSpot to do that, so let's move on over to HubSpot. So here we are, and I'm just at, I've logged into a new account, I've signed up for a free account, So this isn't one of the paid versions, and I've kind of skipped some of these setup steps to get us just to the basic HubSpot experience so I can show you how you would add an email list and then create an email. So first of all, we're going to go up here to the marketing dropdown and we're going to click on email. Now, I will just mention real quick that HubSpot is a huge CRM system. You could use it for almost all of your marketing efforts if you wanted to. Notice that they have a whole sales section, service,…
