From the course: Digital Marketing Tools: Create a Marketing Campaign from Start to Finish

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Add goal tracking to Google Analytics

Add goal tracking to Google Analytics

- [Narrator] Goal Tracking is a powerful tool within Google Analytics that helps us measure the success of our marketing campaigns. Goal Tracking helps us by identifying when a user purchases a product or service on our website. Because of this, we can use Goal Tracking to help us calculate our campaign ROI. Additionally, if you're using Goal Tracking, you can also gain some important insight into the user experience. Specifically, things like shopping cart abandonment, right? When somebody adds items to a shopping cart, gets to the checkout page, and then they never end up checking out. Well, what happened there? You can use Goal Tracking to see how many times that's happening so you can try and improve your site, and the funnel, and the flow so that it doesn't happen as much in the future. Let's take a look. Okay, so I'm logged into a Google Analytics account and I'm on the website that I want to set up Goal…
