From the course: Developing Your Leadership Philosophy

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Finding your internal motivation

Finding your internal motivation

- In terms of leading yourself, as leaders, we're going to go through difficult times and when we were more junior, we had other people to pick us up when we fell down. As a kid, it was a parent or a coach who would dust us off and say, get back out there. We've had bosses who have been helpful when we faced crises, but now, the higher you get in terms of leadership and the more people you're leading, the fewer people there are to pick you up and dust you off, and your team is watching you to see how you behave when you face adversity. Having a leadership maxim to help motivate yourself and lead yourself through that difficult situation and get to the other side, can be a very powerful tool to have. So I like to ask, when you fall down, how do you pick yourself back up? For me, my leadership maxim is, "But man is not made for defeat. "A man can be destroyed, but not defeated." And as I mentioned, maxims can come from a variety of sources. That quote is actually by Ernest Hemingway. It…
