From the course: Developing Secure Software

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Security tactics

Security tactics

- [Instructor] We know secure design is important, but how do we go about secure design in reality? Security tactics are a useful tool that can help you immediately start reasoning about secure software design. A security tactic is a design concept that addresses a security problem at the architectural design level. There are four main categories of security tactics. The first class of tactics helps detect attacks. The second type of tactic is used to resist attacks. The third category reacts to attacks. There are also tactics that help recover from attacks. Here you can see individual security tactics. Encrypting data falls under resisting attacks, while revoking access is under reacting to attacks. There are mainly two possibilities for using tactics. One uses them during the requirements gathering process, and the other uses them for the design process. Both of these possibilities use the tactics as a checklist. When using tactics for the requirements gathering process, you need to…
