From the course: Designing Your Creator Brand with Canva

Creating your brand logo - Canva Tutorial

From the course: Designing Your Creator Brand with Canva

Creating your brand logo

- Okay, it's time to create your logo. Before I even get into this, I want you to take a breath. It's okay. We're creating your logo and it's going to be super easy. But I am going to give you a few tips so you don't end up with this crazy logo that no one can read or understand, because that happens a lot. So one of the first thoughts a lot of people think is let me add the right icons and images, and make it stand out, but really, your logo should be simple. Simple, simple, simple. So let's take Tanisha and her podcast, for instance. Your first thought might be to put a few different icons of a microphone, or a speaker, or things like that. But when you think about it, even though Tanisha's brand is about a podcast, it's about much more. What if Tanisha goes viral and ends up on a TV show, and she ends up creating a book, and traveling the world, and being a speaker. That is larger than her podcast. And if she just has this logo with an icon of a microphone, it may not represent her brand as it grows. So again, I'm telling you, let's keep it simple, let's just have some text, maybe something very simple to represent your brand. And use the templates. If you see a template that you like, double-click, change the information, don't try to add things to it. Keep it simple. So let's go ahead and jump in and design your very first logo. Okay, let's create our logo. In the top right-hand corner, I'll click on Create a design and then Logo. Remember, we are going to be using templates, so it's super-duper easy. The hardest thing that you have to do is figure out which template works with your brand the best. So I would suggest either using search or the filters at the top to find out which templates actually fit your brand. So for instance, if I'm looking for a minimalist logo, I can type that in. Creative, fancy, finance, food, whatever it is, or even narrowing it down to something like including your initials. Spend a lot of time going through and checking out these logos, and when you find one that works for you, go ahead and select it. Now, as you can see, I'm hovering over this logo. One of the things that I like to do is create different versions of the logo so I can use it in different places. Maybe on my business card I use one and then on my graphics online I use another one. So if you have different versions of your logo. So I'm actually going to select this one. I really like it. And it gives me an example of the three different logos, as well as the colors, and the fonts that are included. So I'm going to click on Apply all three. And now I have three different logos that that are all cohesive, that fit my brand, that I simply need to double click and update. All right, to get started, I'll click on the hide option so I don't have that side panel up. And here I'm just going to scroll through. Notice, there's three different pages. If I'd like to zoom in on one page, in the bottom right-hand corner, I could simply zoom in and I have a better working space. Okay, this is good here. Now as I change things here on the design, Canva will autosave it for me, which is amazing. Before I get started, I do want to give it a name so I know exactly what I'm doing. So this is Tanisha Nears. I'll double click and start with the initials. TN. I like that. Tanisha Nears. I like that. So for me, this is good. The only thing, and here's the thing, you could play around with it if you don't like it. Save another one. Try again. What I want to do is see if I move it up just a little bit, if it will look right. If you don't feel comfortable with doing that, don't do it. But for me, that's good. And if you don't like it, you could always undo by clicking the button at the top or using Control + Z as a shortcut key. Don't worry about the colors right now. If you want to change the fonts and play around with them, you simply click and the menu for editing everything is at the top here. And you can change the fonts, the colors, and the sizes needed. I like the way it is. So I'm just going to move on to the next one. Same thing, we're just going to continue putting her initials and then typing her name, Tanisha Nears. Last one, just her initials, TN. Now, this one's a little off. What did I do differently? Ah, there you go, I'm using lowercase. Now, let me show you something. If I were to leave it there and I wanted to move it, I can simply just drag and drop them in different spaces, wherever I need them. The problem is, if I do this, this no longer looks like a T. I'm not even sure what this looks like. So as you're going through and designing your logo, make sure and step back. And in this case, I'm going to scroll back and see if I were to see this on a billboard, or if I see this somewhere else, can I tell exactly what this is, right? So for me, I'm not sure if I like the T as I'm looking at it. So I'm going to scroll back in. I might delete it here and just have TN like that, right? Or I can undo it. Again, play around with it. Change the fonts at the top. See if there's something that's recommended that you might like a little bit better. Doesn't fit. Doesn't fit, right? Again, play around with it. I'll undo these. Click back into the Canva space and then I'm going to zoom out. Okay, let me just change this to a lowercase T. Okay, so now that I have my three logos, the next thing that I want to do is apply my brand colors, not the colors that are here. So I'm going to click on one of the words here. I'll select the text color icon. And remember, we have brand colors and we have the hex colors to put in here, so we have the exact same brand colors each time we design. Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and put the brand colors. So I've typed in my brand color and it changed the color. Now at the bottom you'll see change all. This will change everything that's white to the color I selected. Super, duper simple. Now it only works for text, so I'll go in and click this image and do the same. I don't need the background color so I'll click on the back and click on delete. And there you go. Now, I'm going to repeat this for each of my logos here. Also, keep in mind that you can use different combinations of colors with your brand colors to create the look and feel that you'd like. I'm going to play around with a little bit and then I'll come back. Okay, I have all of the logos that I'd like. It's time to download it. In the top right-hand corner, I'll click on Share, Download. And you want all of your images to have a transparent background so you can overlay them or add them to graphics without having additional colors in the background.
