From the course: Designing Your Creator Brand with Canva

Creating social media graphics - Canva Tutorial

From the course: Designing Your Creator Brand with Canva

Creating social media graphics

- Okay, so you know how to create graphics in Canva. Congratulations. Now let's get a little deeper. We're going to go to level two, right? So now we're creating social media graphics. This is what I want you to keep in mind. Your goal is to stop the scroll. That's it. So really concentrate on what graphic I can create to stop people from scrolling. Keep that in mind as we jump into creating your social media graphics. Okay, let's create your first social media graphic. Now, I know when you first jump in, your thought is going to be, "Okay, is this for Instagram or Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest? Where am I going to post it?" Don't even worry about that. That's not important when you first start. Yep, I know you're thinking like, "Isn't it important where I post it?" It is, but what's more important is that you find the right template that matches your brand. So this time I'm going to use the search and type in social media, and then I'll type in the word brand. For you, it can be social media for podcasting, it can be feminine brands, it can be video creator, but you're really going to want to narrow this down during the search. So we'll start here with brand. And then again, your goal is to find the right graphic that fits for your brand. Scroll down until you find the right graphic. I highly suggest that on the left hand side, you go over it and use the filters. So you'll see minimalistic, creative, illustration. There's a lot of them over here, but this helps you narrow down exactly what you need. So let's pick the right one for you. In this instance, what I want is something that includes a photo. So as I'm scrolling down and looking through these, I want to select ones that allow me to include my brand photos. This actually matches with the flyer we just created, because it has circles and it looks very similar. Let's try this. Remember, if it doesn't work, you can go ahead and try again or find other graphics that do work. Okay, now everything we need is on our left hand side, and what we can do is go and grab our images. I like to start with the images because it really sets off exactly what we want in our graphic. So we have a podcast, and we want to make sure we have that microphone in there. Remember, I can double click, resize it, and make sure it fits properly within that frame there. Then I'll click out. And now that I see that it's probably not the right image for me, I'll go up to the top, click on undo, and I'll continue to try different images until I find the right one, okay? So you can always click on undo, move it over, and I actually really like this photo. Let's see if we can fit our hand in there. Yep. All set. Now I want something that represents my audience, so let's actually see if this one fits. I like that, but let's just edit it. Remember, I'm going to double click, move it over to the right, and there we go. It's all set. Super duper easy. Now I'm going to go back. Remember, we have our styles, so that's going to be under design. Click on styles, and I'll select our brand colors. I'll continue to loop through until I find the right colors. Now, what's different about this image or this graphic is it has a background texture. I want to delete that, because it really doesn't match with my brand. So I'm literally just going to click on the background, hit delete on my keyboard, and then go back to styles, and continue to go through until I have the right graphic. I really, really like this. So the next thing we're going to do is apply our fonts, and then I'm going to go in and change our text and add our logo. Give me a second to update the text here. Okay, I have my text. Here's a little secret. In the middle here, there is text, but I want my logo somewhere here so it can represent my brand. I'm simply going to click on it and delete. We've done this before, super duper easy. And remember, our logos are on our left hand side, and let's see which one fits. I think if I just use the initials, oh, I really like that, so I'm going to move that and maybe either, I kind of like how it is, but let's play around. Remember, we're designing, so we don't know what works yet. So I can either have it like this with my initials or I can make it larger. Remember, this is your space to design and to play around. In fact, what I usually do if I like something, is I will, well, first let's hide this on the left hand side, but I'll copy it and then I'll play around with the second one by dragging it open, then that way I can download each of those, and at the moment, I can decide what works for me. And actually, I really like this. Okay, so I might delete the first one. This was the first page and the second page. And here we go. We have a nice graphic that stops the scroll, and it really calls out to our audience. So it's basically saying, "Is this you? If so, join us." We've created a graphic that fits our audience. Now, if you want to create different sizes, so remember we started off with a social media post. You can actually use the resize feature at the top and create the size that fits for specific platforms. So let's do that now. As I scroll down, I'm going to select the different post types that I want. So for this one, let's do Instagram story. Maybe we want something for Facebook, something for LinkedIn. I'll go ahead and use the search at the top, and search for what I want. So let's do Facebook landscape, and let's do LinkedIn post, and click on copy and resize. Now, for those of you that skip the instructions that pop up on your screen, what this is telling you is that you have to go to your top right hand corner and you're going to want to always allow pop-ups and redirects for Canva. It's just a little security measure. After you do that, click on continue editing, and we may need to do it again, but here's what's easy about that. I could click on resize, select what I just selected again, and click on copy and resize, and it should pop up in several different options. Okay, at the top of my browser here, you'll see that we have resized images. Now, it actually did a great job, but I do want to edit this one because it looks a little off. There's a lot of open space. Now here's where you can decide how daring you are, right? If I'd like, I can, I usually select from the outside. I select items, and see, everything that has purple is going to move, and I'll maybe move that up. You can either use your mouse or you can use your arrows and move it up. I'm also going to resize it using the double arrows in the corner. Drag it open just a little bit. We're going to do that one more time at the bottom. Select only the ones, remember, anything that has purple is going to move, so I just want to select what I want to move. I'm going to move this down, resize it a little bit, so it has a little bit more space, and then I'll do the same to the items just in the middle. I might want to resize them. This is where you really play around with what you want to do and how it's going to look for you. Okay, that looks a little better to me, but again, you can play around with it. Try it again, use your undo. Nothing's going to blow up if you make a mistake, so just make sure you try what works for you. We'll do that with each of these, and then what we'll do is we'll download them individually by going to share, download, and click on download. That's all.
