From the course: Designing for Business

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Flyer design

Flyer design

- [Lecturer] In this movie, we'll take a look at how we could lay out a flyer for our focus businesses using the design fundamentals we've covered, so let's jump into this. This can be a lot of fun. Now, before I get going, I just want to give a shout out to Kyle Webster, who graciously allowed me to use his beautiful artwork in this example, so thank you, Kyle. And what I'm using for the background image, that's going to bleed off all four sides is this really nice illustration here. The artwork that Kyle created, and you might use a stock photograph. This is one way you can approach the background, is you just flood coat it with an entire image. Now, when you're type and logo and other information sits on top, you might not be able to completely control the readability and it could cause problems. So with this cover, if you look at the spring creative series type in the upper right-hand corner, gets a little bit lost.…
