From the course: Designing for Business

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Business card design

Business card design

- [Mitch] In the next 10 movies, we're going to take a look at some common design projects and see how we can apply the design principles we've covered to each context, and how the upfront establishment of color, fonts and style choices govern our designs. In a digital world, some think business cards are old school and no longer needed. I think that's a bit short-sighted. So let's take a look at this form of brand identity and see how the design fundamentals we've covered can help us compose effective business card designs. Now, of course, I'm going to review what we've already covered previously, and that is drawing. Once again, you don't have to be a fine artist to do this type of drawing. If you can just get in the habit of using thumbnail sketches to kind of capture the essence of the idea you want to move forward with with your design, it's going to help you to problem-solve in that respect. So here's a couple of…
