From the course: Designing a Typographic Grunge Poster

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Adding the texture

Adding the texture

In this step we will be adding texture to our work in progress on the left. So I will come and consolidate my view, increase my view size, come to the layers panel, and I want to make sure I'm on the background layer. Now I'm going to switch to Photoshop, and this is the texture that we'll be using, this is in the exercise files. I am going to, make this black and white by using a black and white adjustment layer, and then I am going to use a levels adjustment layer, to increase the contrast. Then, I'm going to do a save as. And I'm going to call this, texture. Now I'll switch over to Illustrator, and I will place that. And if necessary I'll stretch it just a bit, like so. Now in this case I'm approaching texture slightly differently to how I've done in the other courses in this series. And I want to stress how useful it can be to maintain a live link to that texture. Before I do that though, let's do the essential thing that we need to do and that is change the opacity of that. So on…
