From the course: Designing a Typographic Grunge Poster

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Adding the supporting text

Adding the supporting text

In this movie I'm going to add the supporting type. Don't mistake legibility, the four and David Carson's' name down here which I'm going to set in Zapf Dingbats. So let's now consolidate our view. And I'll come to the layers panel or turn on layer one, and I'll call this type, and then I'm going to move it up in my layer order. And we'll start out with this don't mistake legibility. Now once again I'm going to set this in Ariel, seen by many as being the absolute height of legibility. We'll have that be Arial Bold. And I'm going to split this onto three lines. Scale it down. Adjust its leading. I'm using the shortcut for that. Option or Alt and the up arrow to make the leading tighter, and we'll leave it there for the time being. Now, stuck in the midst of all of that chaos and two other pieces of type. I'll just come and lock the symbols. There's David Carson's name. Let's make that smaller. Now, one of the things that David Carson is known for is publishing a whole article on the…
