From the course: Designing a Poster

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Adding type

Adding type

- [Instructor] Part two of the first iteration of the Bike to Work poster, and here I'm going to work with the type. I want to use a bold, sans serif typeface, and for that reason, I'm going to choose Futura. I have my text as a text file. I'm going to select the text and copy it, command or control C, return to Illustrator, making sure I'm on the type layer, choose my type tool, click onto the pace board, and paste it. Let's just return to the selection tool, hold down the shift key, and scale that up so that we can see it. I'll now come and select the first line by triple-clicking on it. Command or control X, to cut it. Want to make a new text object of that type, command, and just click, and then release the command key. Click once again with the type tool, command or control V to paste it. I have an extra paragraph mark that I want to remove, so I'll just press the delete key to move my cursor back to the end of the line. So now, let's just select both of those pieces of type, and…
