From the course: Design Thinking: Understanding the Process

What is design thinking?

- Hello and welcome to this course on Understanding Design Thinking. I am Chris Nodder. I work with teams to implement design thinking in their organizations. These organizations can be startups or multinational enterprises. Design thinking is a way to get your team thinking creatively about your products and services from your customers perspective. We'll look at how you can help your team understand user issues, find creative solutions to the biggest issues, and build and test a prototype of how those solutions would look in your app or on your site. By following this set of techniques, you can plan for how you'll get the best bits of your new design implemented quickly. This course gives you the context and selling points for design thinking. So you can navigate the politics of getting design thinking off the ground in your company. Through the whole course I emphasize how you can do this yourself within your organization, rather than having to rely on outside agencies or design school classes. If you are planning on using an agency or attending a design thinking class, you can use the information in this course to help evaluate which of these agencies or schools is most likely to help your team out. I've got lots of information for you on how design thinking fits into a business and development process. So let's get started.
