From the course: Delivering Bad News to a Customer

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What to say when you can't give the customer what they want

What to say when you can't give the customer what they want

From the course: Delivering Bad News to a Customer

What to say when you can't give the customer what they want

- One of my clients is a small shipping company. Occasionally, a shipment is lost. When customers call about their packages, my client has to deliver the bad news that, at the moment, they can't locate the shipment. The customer usually gets upset at this point and demands to know where the shipment is and when it will be delivered. The problem is it's impossible to give the customer a definite answer because they just don't know where the shipment is. This is what I call an Impossible Situation. There will be times when what the customer wants is impossible for you to deliver, at least in that moment. I will show you how you can make the impossible situation easier for your customer to accept by simply acknowledging concern. In Impossible Situations, the most important thing to do is acknowledge anger or frustration. When you acknowledge a customer's concern, you make them feel heard and understood, and they're more…
