From the course: Delivering Bad News to a Customer

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How to say no to a customer and get the customer to accept your word as final

How to say no to a customer and get the customer to accept your word as final

From the course: Delivering Bad News to a Customer

How to say no to a customer and get the customer to accept your word as final

- When my daughter was 12 she asked me if she could open a Twitter account. My answer was, "No." She came back and asked me again a few days later. Still, no. A few weeks later she reached out to her aunt, my sister, in a futile attempt to get support for her need for a Twitter account. My 12-year-old's response to hearing no will probably be similar to your customer's response to hearing no. When customers hear no they usually do one of three things. One, they'll ask the same question again, phrased another way; two, they'll try to go around you; or three, they'll try to make the case for why your decision should be changed. You need to be able to say no firmly, even with pushback. In this video, I'll explain three steps to say no and make your word final. Let's say your customer wants to talk to a manager, and you can't transfer the call to a manager, here's how you could say no. Step one, make an understanding…
