From the course: Delivering Bad News to a Customer

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How to explain policy issues to customers

How to explain policy issues to customers

From the course: Delivering Bad News to a Customer

How to explain policy issues to customers

- It was a daily task for my employees in car rental to deliver bad news to customers. We only accepted credit cards, no debit cards, so customers would call the corporate office to complain and many would ask for a manager. Customers were upset because my employees weren't clear when explaining our policy. Our escalation rate decreased after I helped my employees explain our policy more clearly. This video explains how to become clear about policy conflicts. When you have to deliver bad news because what the customer is asking for will cause a policy conflict, I want you to do two things. Number one, explain why the policy is in place, and two, be as clear as possible. In my car rental example, I helped my employees change their responses like this. A lot of people think of credit and debit cards as the same thing, yet when renting from us, an actual credit card in the name of the renter must be presented at the…
