From the course: Delivering Bad News to a Customer

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How to explain a delay to a customer

How to explain a delay to a customer

From the course: Delivering Bad News to a Customer

How to explain a delay to a customer

- You've been putting things in boxes for weeks. Tomorrow is the big day. You're moving across the country to a new house. Your movers will arrive at your apartment at 7:00 AM. You are exhausted after all the packing and cleaning. Your phone rings, it's the moving company with bad news. They won't be there tomorrow morning or afternoon. Your move has been rescheduled for next week. It's a driver shortage they say. You must leave your apartment by midnight tomorrow. Imagine the emotions you're feeling. What will you do? What will you do with all of your things? Where do you sleep? How can this be happening? Imagine being the one who has to explain this delay to the customer. In this video, I'm going to show you three steps you can use to explain a delay to a customer. I want you to explain what to your customer three ways using the 3W method. Your first what is to explain here's what we know. A customer needs to…
