From the course: Delivering Bad News to a Customer

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Delivering bad news face-to-face

Delivering bad news face-to-face

- Would you believe me if I said I was happy to see you, but I said it with a frown, a sigh, rolling my eyes? Probably not. What we see is what we believe. Make sure your body language supports and not contradicts your message when you deliver lousy news to customers. The goal of this video is to assist you with managing your body language so that you're confident when delivering bad news face-to-face to customers. With more confidence, you can deliver any news to a customer more easily by doing four things. Number one, make eye contact. Never avoid eye contact because it makes you appear powerless. If looking at someone's eyes makes you uncomfortable, try looking between them. You'll make excellent eye contact. Number two, I want you to face the person squarely. Keep your head up, shoulders back, and face relaxed and friendly. Number three, keep your hands visible. Our hands are often in our pockets, behind…
