From the course: Delivering Bad News to a Customer

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Be clear when giving bad news

Be clear when giving bad news

- I took my daughter's phone away when she was in middle school. "I am taking your phone "and I will keep it "until your algebra grade is a B or higher," I told her. Having said what needed to be said, I let that sink in. Then I reached to receive the phone. It's the same when you have to break bad news to your customers. You just tell it like it is clearly and directly, without fear of backlash. To give bad news clearly, here are three tips. The first thing I want you to do is assert yourself. I define assertiveness as saying what you mean, meaning what you say and not being mean when you say it. You don't sound indifferent or harsh when you assert yourself. You just state the facts. Here are some ways you might assert yourself. You must inform your customer that damage is not covered. "Ms. Cole, you have a great plan. "It covers such things as fading, "stains and structural damage. "Your plan does not…
