From the course: Delegation Strategies for People Leaders

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Delegation in practice

Delegation in practice

- When it comes to understanding the essence of effective delegation in the workplace, nothing beats a real world example. Let's dive into a case study that illustrates this crucial skill. The story begins with Sarah, our dynamic VP of operations. First, she has to choose the right person for the task. Faced with the challenge of transitioning to a hybrid work model, Sarah identifies Lisa, an associate director, as the ideal candidate to spearhead a critical project. This decision wasn't random. It was a strategic choice recognizing Lisa's potential and aligning with the company's needs. Get clear on the task at hand. Managing a geographically dispersed team is a complex, yet increasingly common scenario in today's business world. It's a big responsibility, especially in a hybrid work setting, and it poses unique challenges that Lisa must navigate. It's time to set clear expectations and define roles. Sarah approaches this by setting the stage meticulously. She outlines her…
