From the course: Delegation Strategies for People Leaders

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Charting a path forward

Charting a path forward

- Congratulations on making it through this course. If you've come this far, you know what delegation is really about and that it fundamentally starts with you. You're now prepared to reframe your understanding of delegation, communicate clear objectives, empower growth, learning, and independence, nurture a culture of safety and trust, and lead a diverse, collaborative, efficient team. Now, to continue learning about effective leadership skills and methods, I highly recommend these three books. First is "Boundaries" by Henry Cloud. It's a great book that fundamentally addresses the importance of setting personal and professional boundaries so as a leader, you're not overextending yourself or micromanaging your team. Effective delegation requires leaders to understand where their responsibilities end and where their team's begin. Also, "The One Thing" by Garry Keller. This book is one of my favorites. It focuses on the power of prioritizing the most important tasks to achieve better…
