From the course: De-Escalating Conversations for Customer Service

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When a customer disagrees with your policy

When a customer disagrees with your policy

- When customers don't think your policy is reasonable, they may push back, asking to talk to a supervisor or becoming difficult. Because policies usually can't be changed, we have to learn the best approach to get customers to accept your word as final. One of my clients is an optometry office. And like all medical practices, this office is regulated by the FDA. One of the mandates is prescriptions can't be renewed without a patient seeing an optometrist. Patients whose vision hasn't changed don't always want to go through the expense of an eye exam, but it's not up to the receptionist or even the doctor. The FDA makes the rules. Using my client's situation, I'm going to show you how to reduce escalations when it comes to policies customers disagree with. - Hi. - Hi, I need to reorder contact lenses, please. - Oh, we can help you with that. We'll just need to schedule an eye exam first and you can purchase lenses…
