From the course: De-Escalating Conversations for Customer Service

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The principle of don't push

The principle of don't push

- In my workshops, I do an exercise where I have everybody find a partner and I have each duo choose a person to be partner A and the other person is partner B. Then I tell partner A to hold up the Palm of their hand. Next I ask partner B to press their Palm against the Palm of partner A and then I watched the audience for several seconds. Next I ask, how many of you who were partner A? Press your Palm against the Palm of partner B and I take a look around and nearly every hand goes up. Those who were partner A instinctively pressed against B. But here's the thing, I told a to just hold their hand up, I didn't tell them to apply pressure, that was B's job. When I asked those who were A, why they pushed, the answer is always, they were pushing so I pushed back. Pushing back when we've been pushed is a natural response for most of us. This is why we are quick with a comeback, if someone accuses us of something. But with…
