From the course: De-Escalating Conversations for Customer Service

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Positive positioning with customers

Positive positioning with customers

- We took my son's phone in for repair. After looking at the phone, the employee said, "Liquid has come in contact with this phone. Your warranty doesn't cover this, but we have a couple of options. We can repair the unit or we can sell you a refurbished model." While I wasn't happy to learn that we'd have to pay for repair or a new phone, I did appreciate the way the employee delivered the news. The employee used positive language and he immediately moved into offering a solution that we could walk out with that day. What this employee did was used positive positioning. Positive positioning is delivering a message in a positive way and in such a way that minimizes a negative reaction. Positive positioning is easy to do when you focus on three things. First, maximize positive language while minimizing negative words. It's best to stay away from negative words when handling problems. You need to shift the customer to…
