From the course: De-Escalating Conversations for Customer Service

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Dealing with your own frustration

Dealing with your own frustration

- A participant approached me at a break during a workshop. "My problem," she revealed, "is I take things personally. I know it's not about me when customers attack, but still I make it personal." She's not alone. A lot of us personalize things when we're dealing with difficult customers. Here's how to know if you've taken things personally. You've gotten emotional. Maybe that's getting upset, maybe it's an increased heart rate, or maybe you've felt fed up with customers who try to get over on you or your company. And you don't feel like giving them anything because they don't deserve it. The good thing about taking things personally with customers is it says you care. You're fully vested in what you do. Taking things personally can become a problem, though, if you find that you're often resistant to helping unreasonable customers, or if you've ever felt verbally beat up after an interaction with a customer, you need…
