From the course: De-Escalating Conversations for Customer Service

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Dealing with demanding customers

Dealing with demanding customers

- Three tactics for dealing with demanding customers. First, keep your responses brief. After a few seconds of venting, say something concise to your customer. "Mm-hmm." "I see." Or, "I can see your point on that." Venting stops a lot faster when customers feel acknowledged. At one point, when I was in labor with my daughter, I screamed out to the doctor, "I can't do this." I'm known to be melodramatic. The doctor stopped and said, "Okay," and then she communicated a silent message to the nurses and they all walked out. I was stunned. I'm delivering a baby and you just leave? They returned later. But I realized the tactic immediately. Rather than deal with my drama, they gave me their absence. You can use this tactic with dramatic customers. That is the second technique, silence. When customers get enraged, don't interrupt, don't say a word. This works over the phone and in person. After a few seconds of ranting…
