From the course: De-Escalating Conversations for Customer Service

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Customer's request is not possible

Customer's request is not possible

- Your customer demands to talk to a manager. But right now, there's no manager available. Or this complex situation. The customer insists on knowing the precise location of their package but your system is telling you nothing. Sometimes what the customer is asking is impossible for you to do. In those cases, your best response is to use what my colleague Rich Frankel, a customer service manager calls ACT statements. Here's how it works. Rich has his employees always make ACT statements part of the call, email or chat flow. The A is for acknowledge the issue. Before giving the customer your explanation or telling them what they can't do, you need to recognize the impact the issue has on them. Here are some ways to acknowledge. I know you're anxious to receive your package. Or I'm sorry that there's been no follow-up with you as promised. Next, you need to express care or concern. When you combine your acknowledgement…
