From the course: Data Visualization: Storytelling

The art of storytelling

- Storytelling is an overused term, but it's so deeply ingrained in our psyches and even our biology that if you're communicating anything to anyone, you should try to do so using a story. Now, storytelling with data isn't the same as fictional storytelling, of course, but in this course, we'll talk about how to use storytelling's key components, methods and structures most effectively for data communications. We'll also talk briefly about finding stories in your data and look at some great examples of data storytelling and discuss what makes those data stories great. Finally, we'll examine some other important attributes of data stories beyond the structure, important details, like labeling and the use of animation and visual style. I'm Bill Shander, I'm an Information Designer, a data storyteller, and educator. I hope you find this course interesting and, of course, helpful in your day-to-day life. Let's get to it.
