From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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Validating models

Validating models

- [Narrator] Several years ago, my wife and I adopted our second child. No, this isn't her. It's some other lovely child. Now, we have loved and raised her the best we could, but we made one critical error that has caused her unanticipated grief and could take years to recover from. We used a non-standard character in her name. Those two dots over the E are a diuresis, which indicates that the second vowel should be pronounced as its own syllable and by the way, that's not to be confused with the identical looking, but functionally distinct umlaut, which softens the sound of a vowel or indicates that you are a heavy metal band. Now, it turns out that there are still a lot of web forms out there that don't like non-ASCII characters, and it will tell you that you've entered invalid data. Well, there are other people whose names have caused problems. It's not just us, and so aside from having apostrophes or hyphens in your…
