From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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Time-series data

Time-series data

- [Instructor] When you go out hiking in a new place, it's nice to have a path to help you get where you're going. It's also nice to know if that path is actually going to take you someplace you want to be. As a data scientist, your job is to figure out what path the data is on. So you can inform decisions about whether to stay on the current path or whether changes need to be made. The most basic way to do this is to take your data over time and make a line chart. It's a graph of those changes over time, connect the points to make a clear line, and maybe you've got something that's interpretable right off the bat. On the other hand, when in you're looking at changes over time, one of the things you need to be aware of is auto correlation. And this is a situation where every value at each point in time is influenced by the previous values, more or less. So, it doesn't suddenly go from being 80 degrees one day to…
