From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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The CRISP-DM model in data science

The CRISP-DM model in data science

- [Instructor] So it turns out that I am not necessarily the most organized person in the world. I have, in fact, had times that important documents and even data were stored approximately like this, but we all know that the composting approach to organization makes your data projects a lot harder, which is why some very smart people have spent a lot of time thinking about how to better organize data projects more effectively. And one of the most common approaches in the data mining world is something called CRISP-DM, which is short for Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining. So this is a great way of thinking about how to organize data projects, not just in data mining, but really anywhere. And CRISP-DM describes a data project as having six phases. Now, again, they're specifically talking about data mining, but you can apply it to anything. So the first phase is business understanding. The idea here is what's…
