From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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Supervised learning with predictive models

Supervised learning with predictive models

From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

Supervised learning with predictive models

- [Instructor] Marriage is a beautiful thing where people come together and set out on a new path full of hope and possibilities. Then again, it's been suggested that half of the marriages in the U.S. end up in divorce, which is a huge challenge for everyone involved. But 50% is just a flip of a coin. If you were trying to predict whether a particular marriage would last or whether it would end in divorce, you could just predict that everybody would stay married, or maybe everybody would get divorced and you'd be right 50% of the time without even trying. In a lot of fields, being right 50% of the time would be an astounding success. For example, maybe only 5% of companies that receive venture capital funding end up performing as projected. And there's billions of dollars at stake. If you could be right 50% of the time in your venture capital investments, you'd be on fire. And that brings up the obvious question. How…
