From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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- [Instructor] Your data has a lot of value to it all on its own, and so does your work on your data. The challenge, of course, is that value sometimes attracts people who don't have your own best interests at heart. So, for instance, sometimes people will come and steal your data sets. There's an enormous amount of value in the raw data that you have, or they might come and steal your algorithm, the process that takes the raw data and converts it into this finished product, or maybe even they just avoid all of that and steal your output directly. Let you do all the data gathering, let you do other calculating, and they'll just get the final product. Any one of these is a major security risk to a data science project. And it's frustrating enough when it's things like trying to predict what the weather is going to be, but think about it when it's a high stakes outcome, think about something like complex machine learning…
