From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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Interpretable methods

Interpretable methods

- [Instructor] I have a sister who went to culinary school and taught me the important difference between the terms cooking and baking. Now cooking is a general term, but it usually refers to heating food on a stove like when you make stew. The thing about cooking, this definition is that you can easily change what the ingredients are and the quantities, you can just throw stuff in to taste. As long as you're not doing oat cuisine, it's pretty straight forward, and it's not hard to tell how things are going to end up. Baking on the other hand, is a little more complicated. If you want to bake a cake, you have to be very precise with your ingredients. How they're combined, their temperature and the time. You can't just improvise your way to a chocolate souffle, even when you have a pretty good understanding of kitchen chemistry. Baking is inherently a more opaque process than most kinds of stove top cooking. And as…
