From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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Generative adversarial networks (GANs)

Generative adversarial networks (GANs)

From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

Generative adversarial networks (GANs)

- [Instructor] This painting is called Edmond de Belamy, and it's notable for a few reasons aside from being pretty, smudgy and impressionistic. First, it's sold in 2018 at auction for over $400,000. And that's a lot of money by most people's standards. Second, if you take a closer look at the bottom right of the picture where the artist typically signs their name, you'll see not a name but a mathematical formula. In fact, this formula is part of the computer algorithm that produced the painting based on its experience, viewing over 15,000 portraits from WikiArt. This was an algorithmically produced work of art. It was created with what is called a generative adversarial network. And that actually consists of two pieces. First, there is a generative network or a generator. This is an algorithm that produces novel output based on experience with training data. So you show it a whole bunch of information, like a bunch of…
