From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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Feature selection and creation

Feature selection and creation

- [Instructor] I teach statistics to undergraduate students who don't always see how it connects to their lives. I can give specific examples about each of the fields, but I've found that even the most recalcitrant student can get excited about data when we talk about sports, like baseball. Baseball's a data-friendly sport. It's been going on for over 100 years, there are 162 games in the regular season, and they count everything. If you're trying to figure out how good, for example, a particular batter is, you can start with these basic bits of data, and you'll have an enormous amount of information to work with. These are the features in the dataset that you start with. But if you're a coach or a manager, you can do a lot more than just use those raw data points to make a strategy. You can start combining them to create new features in your dataset and finding value and possibilities in your team. Now, you can start…
