From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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Dimensionality reduction

Dimensionality reduction

- [Instructor] Back in 1957 in his legendary song, "Rock and Roll Music," Chuck Berry's single lament about musicians who make things too complicated and to quote, "Change the beauty of the melody until it sounds just like a symphony." And that's why he loves rock and roll music. The same idea explains why most bands have four people like The Beatles right here, or possibly three or five. That's enough people, enough instruments to fill all the sonic regions without overwhelming with too much information and resulting in cacophony. Jumping way ahead in time, there's a similar problem in data science. We think of data coming down in a matrix-like stream here is really cool, but it's hard to get meaning out of it and it's hard to know what to do as a result of it. We need a way to get through the confusion and the haze and pull things into focus. Fortunately, there's a way to do that in data science. The idea of dimension…
