From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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Applications for data analysis

Applications for data analysis

- [Instructor] When people think about data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence, the talk turns almost immediately to tools, things like programming languages and sophisticated computer setups. But remember the tools are simply a means to an end. And even then only part of it, the most important part of any data science project by far is the question itself and the creativity that comes in exploring that question and working to find possible answers using the tools that best match your questions. And sometimes those tools are simple ones. It's good to remember, even in data science, that we should start with the simple and not move on to the complicated until it's necessary. And for that reason, I suggest that we start with data science applications. And so you may wonder why apps? Well, number one, they're more common. They're generally more accessible, more people are able to use them. They're often…
