From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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- [Instructor] When you draw a picture or write a letter, chances are that you can draw well with one of your hands, your dominant hand, and not so much with the other. I recently heard someone described this as having a well-developed API for your dominant hand, but only a clunky one for the non-dominant hand. An API, or application programming interface, isn't a source of data, but rather it's a way of sharing data. It can take data from one application to another or from a server to your computer. It's the thing that routes the data, translates it and gets it ready for use. I want to show you a simple example of how this works. And so I've gone to this website that has what's called the JSON placeholder. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It's a data format. And if we scroll down here, you'll see this little tiny piece of code. And what it says is go to this web address and get the data there and then show it…
