From the course: Cybersecurity with Cloud Computing

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Google Apps

Google Apps

- [Instructor] Google provides an extensive range of cloud services. And these are accessible via the Google Cloud Console. Accessing the Google Cloud platform services is not a problem once you've a paid Google account. I'll be providing some hands-on view of it but the setup is quite complex, so I don't expect you to follow along with this yourself. The Google Cloud menu on the left starts with an entry for the Google Apps Marketplace. And a bit further down, we can see both the IAM and identity and the Security links. As we scroll down, we can see the Compute services group and we can see the App Engine and the Compute Engine entries. If we check out the App Engine and dashboard, I can see I have a Google App instance. I've created a simple Google App in Python, using the App Engine and deployed it. We can see this on Google App spot at the top right. I can click on the Cloud shell symbol and Google provides a…
