From the course: Cybersecurity Foundations: Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

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What is risk?

What is risk?

- [Instructor] Why do you wear a seatbelt? To prevent an accident? No. You wear a seatbelt because it reduces the chance of dying or having a serious injury in an accident. That's what risk is all about at its core. Risk or risk management is taking measures to limit the chances of bad outcomes from happening. Risk is at the center of GRC, both in the acronym and in practice. The OCEG says, "Risk management ensures that organizations identify, analyze, and control risks that can derail the achievement of strategic objectives." A common theme in GRC is that it involves people, processes, and technology. It can't just be one. You can't buy software solutions to do risk for you. You still need to involve people and processes. Risk management is no different. Risk management is a system that takes inputs from people, processes, and technology to help ensure companies are protected against threats or potential risk. There…
