From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Cybersecurity Terminology

People, process, and technology

From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Cybersecurity Terminology

People, process, and technology

- [Instructor] First up is people. The people pillar includes a number of elements, from the way the teams are structured to the way the companies protect the human element and even who the adversaries are that you must protect against. Next up is the process. When people hear processes, they tend to assume documentation. And while that is right, there is a lot more that goes into the process pillar in security, including, but not limited to, specific technical controls to protect the company, its assets, and its people. And finally, we will cover technology. Technology is the most well-known pillar within cybersecurity, which isn't surprising, as cybersecurity needs technology as much as technology needs cybersecurity. Within this pillar, we will cover security best practices and controls, as well as define some of the more recent technological advancements. Though most of the definitions were able to fit within the scope of the three pillars, there was still a large area that we had to define outside of people, process, and technology. That is the threat actors and their methods of executing attacks. As attacks continue to grow, so does the need for cyber security in all its forms, including people, process, and technology.
