From the course: Customer Service: Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting

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How to respond when the customer is right

How to respond when the customer is right

- Let's discuss how to respond to the customer when dealing with a valid complaint. We do that by using four simple steps. Here they are. First, apologize. It's okay to say sorry. I recently had a call with the VP of a very large bank and she started the conversation by simply saying she was sorry. This wasn't an admission of guilt. It was just an apology to let me know that they hadn't been delivering the type of service expected or the type of service she expected their customers to receive. Second, state how you're going to handle the situation. In the case of the vice president of the bank, she told me exactly how she was going to handle this. She told me she would talk to her boss about some of the feedback I had provided and then she told me she would talk to the bank at a local level. Third, communicate how you're going to follow up. In the bank example, the VP of the bank told me she would call me back and…
