From the course: Customer Service: Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting

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Diagnose a customer's concerns as the first step

Diagnose a customer's concerns as the first step

From the course: Customer Service: Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting

Diagnose a customer's concerns as the first step

- Think about this scenario. You're having some chest pains and so you decide to see your local doctor. You spend 10 or 15 minutes in the waiting room and you finally make your way into the office. You wait another 10 minutes and finally the doctor walks in. He looks at you and immediately says the following, "You need open heart surgery. "Get up on the table right now. "I'm going to have to cut you open." How would you feel if the doctor simply looked at you, didn't ask any questions, and then told you he was about to slice you open and start doing open heart surgery right there and then? Of course, you'd believe the doctor had lost his mind and you'd be running for the door. It's the same thing in customer service, especially when we're troubleshooting specific customer situations. Before you do anything, you need to diagnose the situation and then you prescribe. First, you can start by asking the customer to…
