From the course: Customer Service: Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting

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Communicate bad news with customers

Communicate bad news with customers

- Here's a tough one. The customer's request or complaint is invalid and you're charged with delivering the bad news. Before we do anything, here's the most important thing to remember, and I can't stress this enough. Regardless of how you're communicating, nothing is better than face-to-face or true voice interactions. Try to avoid using email to deliver bad news, don't text. Pick up the phone, go see the customer, set up a Zoom session. Being able to make eye contact and show the customer you care is incredibly important. Now that we've established that, let's discuss a few simple techniques that will help you deliver bad news to the customer and impress them at the same time. First, put yourself on their side. Tell them that you're really frustrated that you're not able to offer them a better solution to their concerns. Show the customer that you understand why they feel the way they do. Since we want to make…
