From the course: Customer Service: Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting

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Calming down angry and upset customers

Calming down angry and upset customers

- [Narrator] What do you do to calm an angry, disgruntled, and unhappy customer? I want you to imagine the following scenarios. First, let's look at the scenario from the company's point of view. You're a customer service rep for a very large bank. You field phone calls on a daily basis from a variety of customers. Some are angry and irate. Others are calm, cool, and collected, but you've never had one quite like this customer. You answer the phone and the customer immediately starts telling you about a problem. She is so angry and distraught. You can barely understand what she's saying. What do you do? Well, before I answer that, let me tell you why she's so upset. Here's the scenario from the customer's perspective and let's try and put ourselves in her shoes. You, the customer, just received a letter in the mail informing you that you've not only missed payments on your mortgage, but the bank has filed legal…
