From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Preventing negative emotions

Preventing negative emotions

- Working with angry or upset customers is one of the most challenging aspects of customer service. Wouldn't it be great if you could magically prevent customers from getting upset in the first place? While it's not really magic, this video will introduce you to a technique that can prevent customer anger even before it begins. The technique is called the preemptive acknowledgement. The key is to preempt customer anger by spotting situations where a customer is likely to get angry and then addressing their negative emotions before they boil over. Let's look at a scene where a customer reserves an item online only to find the store is actually out of stock when she arrives to pick it up. - So I double checked and we're completely out of stock; it looks like our website was wrong. - But I reserved it online. Why did I waste time coming down here if you don't actually have it? - You may have guessed the customer would get angry…
